Monday 2 September 2013

It's the Little Things...

I strongly believe that if you are in a bad mood the best way to bring yourself out of it is to stop and take a second to realize how lucky you are, and appreciate all you have to be thankful for. If I fall into a huff over some trivial matter I try to remember that in the grand scheme of things; life isn't that bad. It sounds so silly but we take so much for granted and there is nothing worse than being in a room full of miserable people who focus only on the negatives. It's just no way to live!

It may seem like the end of the world if someone whispers some nasty comment about you, or you fail an exam - but realistically, there will always be someone out there who has it worse. I do get it though. I go through periods where I wanna lock the door and have alone time, shutting out the world but this is self limiting and no way to get you back into the swing of things. 

At some point I'll be posting about what I've learnt about mental health and ways we can improve it, but right now I wanna do something I've been inspired by and write a selection of things I love and am thankful for (in no particular order). 

I hope you read this and smile!


2. Cooking
3. My health
4. Mozel, my lovely 9 year old pup

5. Dreaming
6. Knowing I have so much yet to experience in my life
7. White hot chocolate
8. Spooning on a cold night 
 9.  Being around people who bring out the best in everyone
10. Laughter
11. Knowing that although the world isn't perfect, amazing people are all around
12 .Ebay
13. Kisses
14. Being in love
15. Feeling valued
16. Doing well in an exam
17. Christmas
18. Freebies
19. Working (i know..)
20. Treadmills
21 .Frappe chai lattes from cafe nero
22. Cafe nero loyalty cards
23. My ability to move freely
24. All my loved ones
25. Nutella and banana on toast
25. Earl Grey tea
26. My ability to grow as a person
27. Coal fires
28. Duck feather bed sets
28. Waking up thinking it's time to get up but it's the weekend
29. A limitless imagination
30. Walks in the park
31. Our ability to trust
32. Holding hands

33. Smiling

34 .Singing
35. Sharing
36. Soft towels
37. The randomness of my mind
38. Harry potter
39. Crisp autumn air
40. Makeup
41. Hairdye
42. Water
43 .Clothes
44. Neck kisses
45. Texts that make you all gushy inside
45. Chorizo
46. Learning
47. My eye sight 
48. A flat tummy in the morning
49. Music

That's just 50 of many many more but I thought I would leave it there. (And maybe have a sequel another day)

Thanks for reading,

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