Thursday 23 January 2014

Essential Supplements: Fish Oils-Part 2


I hope I have grabbed your attention with my part one of the importance of fish oils and part 2 will be a continuation of my list and explanation of why and how they work. Here we go:

5. Joint health and arthritis 
Joint pain and arthritis is often due to excessive inflammation in the body. This can be due to damage during exercise or the disease state itself. The good news is fish oils have been shown to decrease this inflammation,alleviating symptoms, as well as to reduce pain mediators in the problem areas. Fish oils are also seen to reduce the chance of onset of arthritis,lubricating the joins and increasing repair, flexibility and mobility.

6.  The Digestive System and Weight loss
Digestive and gastrointestinal problems are some of the most common issues suffered by people in the UK. Fish oils may play a role in aiding digestion by lubricating food as it makes its way through the body, as well as to provide nutrients and strength to the intestinal linings, reducing passage of toxins into the blood stream.
As mentioned in part one triglyceride levels in the blood are reduced. This is because fish oils are involved in the beta-oxidation (essentially fat clearance) from the blood. This prevents fat storage and along with a healthy lifestyle can help in maintaining a healthy fat level and weight.

7.Pregnancy and children
 During pregnancy, the woman's demand for DHA and EPA increases dramatically in order to support healthy development of the baby. This is what makes fish oils so crucial when pregnant. As well as this, there is evidence to suggest taking fish oils in the last trimester will increase skin, eye and hair health, immune system and brain development. This is not only important for the baby,but also as the baby grown into a child, showing to increase attention and learning ability as well as reducing allergy and infection.

To conclude this topic, quite honestly I could go on but I hope this is enough to encourage  you to try for yourself!
If you have any questions or have found ways it helps you I would love to know so comment below.

talk soon!

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