Thursday 23 January 2014

Essential Supplements: Fish Oils-Part 2


I hope I have grabbed your attention with my part one of the importance of fish oils and part 2 will be a continuation of my list and explanation of why and how they work. Here we go:

5. Joint health and arthritis 
Joint pain and arthritis is often due to excessive inflammation in the body. This can be due to damage during exercise or the disease state itself. The good news is fish oils have been shown to decrease this inflammation,alleviating symptoms, as well as to reduce pain mediators in the problem areas. Fish oils are also seen to reduce the chance of onset of arthritis,lubricating the joins and increasing repair, flexibility and mobility.

6.  The Digestive System and Weight loss
Digestive and gastrointestinal problems are some of the most common issues suffered by people in the UK. Fish oils may play a role in aiding digestion by lubricating food as it makes its way through the body, as well as to provide nutrients and strength to the intestinal linings, reducing passage of toxins into the blood stream.
As mentioned in part one triglyceride levels in the blood are reduced. This is because fish oils are involved in the beta-oxidation (essentially fat clearance) from the blood. This prevents fat storage and along with a healthy lifestyle can help in maintaining a healthy fat level and weight.

7.Pregnancy and children
 During pregnancy, the woman's demand for DHA and EPA increases dramatically in order to support healthy development of the baby. This is what makes fish oils so crucial when pregnant. As well as this, there is evidence to suggest taking fish oils in the last trimester will increase skin, eye and hair health, immune system and brain development. This is not only important for the baby,but also as the baby grown into a child, showing to increase attention and learning ability as well as reducing allergy and infection.

To conclude this topic, quite honestly I could go on but I hope this is enough to encourage  you to try for yourself!
If you have any questions or have found ways it helps you I would love to know so comment below.

talk soon!

Essential Supplement: Fish Oils

Hello everyone!

I will start the post with a one-too-familiar apology for my extended absence, but you’ll hopefully be pleased to know that I’m back for good this time. Over the last few months i'v been pretty busy with Uni, exams and meeting some wonderful people and have so much to share. I can’t wait to do some reviews on recent purchases and Christmas presents so hopefully the next few posts will be of interest to you, but for now, my absolute favorite topic-Fish Oils.

Over the last 3 years of study this is one thing I have learned and never forgotten, and I’m talking about the countless benefits of fish oils. 
Being a future Pharmacist-and a self appointed advocate of health I feel it my duty to recommend this to almost everyone-If there is a single change you make this week-make it this.
Most benefits of these fish oils have to do with fatty acids DHA and EPA produced and maintained by omega 3 products. DHA is essential to brain development, whereas EPA is influential on behavior and mood. Both DHA and EPA generate neuroprotective metabolites such as resolvins and protectins which regulate/prevent inflammatory mediators and factors influencing some cancers and tumours.

1. Boost Your Brainpower

 I am that person walking around prior to an exam with a stash of cod liver oil capsules. Some say it is a placebo but many-myself included-see a huge difference in attention span and memory.  Why this occurs is not known entirely, but could be to do with the structure of omega 3. Fish oils contain omega 3 which is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Having a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids-which are very healthy, and oppose those dreaded "saturates" has been shown to make cell membranes within the body more fluid. This high fluidity allows neurotransmitters (signals from the brain) to travel quicker and easier through the body giving the observed effects. as well as this, regarding my previous introduction, there are derivatives of omega 3 called EPA and DHA which makes up a large part of brain tissue These metabolited are linked to cognitive function and mental focus which also lead to higher brainpower. These reduce in quantity as we grow older so taking fish oil supplements can help to maintain normal brain function throughout our lives.

2. Banish the Blue
"In countries where the average fish consumption is high we see lower rates of depression."
A reason for this related to what was just mentioned about the fluidity of the cell membrane. As some of you may know there is large significance of serotonin signalling with depression. This is a chemical messenger responsible for relaying signals in the brain between difference cells hence why it is believed to have such a big affect on mood. Sometimes depression may arise due to the serotonin not being able to reach its receptor site and so it's hypothesized that if the plasma membranes in brain cells are more fluid, the signal can travel easier and quicker, reaching its target effectively.Relating back to EPA and DHA, some people with depression are found to have low levels of these particular fatty acids and so taking supplements can boost this and may reduce chance of depression. 

3. See the benefits..literally
As mentioned above, fish oils help generate fatty acids called DHA and EPA. As well as in the brain, these are also found in the retina and may be important in maintaining eye function at a high level, for as long as possible. As well as this, EPA particularly, influences oil production of the skin as well as working to prevent acne and the ageing process,by increasing hydration. Because it is also an anti-inflammatory agent it may reduce tired, red and puffy looking skin. It also protects against free radicals-known to cause health conditions and premature aging, as well as stimulating production of healthy skin cells. On top of this, it also has positive affects on hair growth and condition.What's there not to love? 

4.Cardiovascular Health and Fitness
There are countless beneficial outcomes of fish oils on cardiovascular health and most of this centers around its observed reduction in blood pressure and triglyceride levels. High blood pressure is a growing problem around the world and can have a profound affect on someones life. As well as this, high triglyceride levels are shown to cause hardening of the arteries with a build up of fatty substances called plaque. These two factors together can be detrimental causing irreparable damage to the arteries leading to serious problems such as strokes, heart attacks, angina and blood clots.
EPA and DHA being inflammatory mediators can reduce the blood pressure and is also seen to reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, and increasing the level of healthy fat in the blood.These factors therefore play a hugely important role in cardiovascular health for everyone whether you are healthy or not so healthy.
In terms of fitness, fish oils have indicated that they promote increased blood flow and therefore oxygen to the lungs during exercise as well as to help the recovery process thereafter.

 Because there are so many reasons I am forced to stop and do a part 2 so please keep reading! Hope I have got everyone keen!

Friday 18 October 2013

Charity Shop Finds

Hey everyone!

I have a little time to kill before Uni today so thought I would do a quick post on my charity shop finds from yesterday.
First of all, I am OBSESSED with these magical shops where anything can be found. It is a win win situation because you are giving your money to an organization that makes a difference, but you are also buying individual items that don't break the bank, not to mention the fun of not knowing what you may find.
(Almost every outfit I wear contains an item from a charity shop).

So yesterday I purchased this lovely boyfriend blazer coat thing (which is VERY warm) and this Barbour scarf. They were both £5 so a consider that a great bargain. Think I will go have another look later ;)

I hope you like them, let me know what you have found or send me a link you your blog!
Happy hunting!

Monday 14 October 2013

Lose Weight the Healthy Way: Part 3

Hello everyone!

I'm aware its been a few weeks now since I last posted and  can only apologize! I've been moving into my new flat and had some internet issues which are ongoing! I thought I'd start again by finalizing my health tips, and now I've started my course again I would love to share some other things I've learnt, so keep following! 
I was also thinking about doing some food diaries, one for loosing and one for maintaining. Again a disclaimer that I am no expert by a long shot its just what has worked for me. Let me know if you would like that!

 know what you are putting into your body
This is something that has turned into a bit of a pain, resulting in the necessity for me to food shop alone. I read the back on everything I put into my shopping basket and it takes time but it's worth it! I find that progress made within a new lifestyle is down to having a healthy attitude towards food, and if you know what you are eating is healthy then you almost think your way thin. For me the main things I focus on are saturated fat (I will avoid it if the saturates are 50% or over the content of fat, unless the fat content is very low) and sugar but it is important to know if it is natural or added. For example the packet of raisins I have sitting in my cupboard has 37g of sugar per serving which is ridiculous! BUT there is no added sugar so I'm content in the knowledge that it is natural! (still, it's important not to overdose on fruit because it's still sugar!) If we go back to the hunting and gathering days though, we only ate what was natural and in the process of finding it we exercised in the process, our body therefore can handle these natural contents far better than processed ones.
 Take motivational pictures such as before and after and log your result to motivate you. It is so important not to expect immediate result and fall into a crash diet habit, the aim is for a complete lifestyle change that you can maintain so find out what foods suit you, what you want to avoid, plan meals ahead and just don't buy bad food! In my 1st year of uni I went from 8.5 stone to 10 stone- so really did gain the "fresher’s 15" this was a mixture of extremely bad diet- chili sensations and cheesy pasta were my downfall-and alcohol. That summer I got home and felt fairly uncomfortable in my size and made a conscious decision to get to know nutrition and how I could maintain health, since then I've had a few fall backs (we are all human) but I am now down to 8.3 stones and it has been the easiest weight ever to lose and keep off! It is longer a conscious effort to eat well, it is now just what I’m use to, and that is the aim. Below the left photo i was 10 stone and right I am 8.5. ( you will also notice my hair change and I will be blogging about that in the near future!  My apologies again for the lack of posts recently!)
I have many more tips that have helped me but i will leave it there today and maybe do a new blog post if anyone is interested.

Take care and wrap up warm!

Saturday 14 September 2013

Lose Weight The Healthy Way: Part 2

Hey lovely's!

Most of you hopefully saw my "part one" of things I stick by that helps me lose weight and maintain my health, here are a couple more that I keep in mind! I never thought I could stay in shape without always depriving myself of what I really want, but now I know I can! Isn't there always that one friend that eats loads and stays slim? Well that will be you soon!
 The biggest change I have made is eating more-in fact around double what I was!! I am never hungry and have gone down over 2 dress sizes. It is all about what you are eating. This is why focusing on health as seen in part one is what I feel should be the ultimate motivator. A lot of it is mental and so once you do this, you won’t have any issues I can almost guarantee!

Get into a routine and remember everything in moderation!
 Some people like small meals regularly whilst others like the classic 3 meals. Whatever you prefer, success is much more likely once you establish a routine. As well as this do not listen to the voice in your head telling you to binge tonight because you will diet tomorrow. Once you have binged it is hard to come down to a drastic change and so has to be done gradually. For this I would recommend not binging but instead let yourself  and body have what it desires but in moderation!
 Oh, and don’t eat at bedtime! Many of us will try having a small dinner but it may not be satisfactory to our requirements and we end up munching bad foods later on! Don’t kid yourself just have a bigger portion at tea time and reduce the change of snacking at bed time where there is little chance for the energy from your food to be burned. Personally I tend to devour whatever is on my plate, so a good way to avoid over eating is to start with a small portion, eat slowly and then go back for more IF you are still hungry, wait about 10 minutes before going for seconds.

 This is one of my main loves in life. Whatever the situation if I am feeling down or bored or just a little lethargic nothing can beat the feeling that comes after a fantastic workout. I admit it takes time to feel this way and many of us start out with a love/hate attitude towards it. It makes us sweaty and sore yet we feel and look great with persistence. If you can overcome this initial feeling it really is the most enjoyable pastime.
For weight loss I have to say that running, for me beats them all! It is hard because to run you need to be fairly fit and so it is important to gradually build your way up to being able to run for long periods of time, rather than attempting, failing and not wanting to try again. The way I did this was a warm up walk for 10 minutes or so then jog for 3 minutes, walk for 5 etc. etc. Eventually you build on this to pick up the pace and stamina and in as little as a week can see a drastic difference to your fitness. Personally it works to slim my thighs, hips, back and tummy in the way that other cardio exercises don’t.  Since we are on the topic of diet I won't be mentioning the endless lists of benefits that exercise has on the cardio vascular system and inner health but I will definitely be mentioning this in the next little while!!

keep healthy snacks for cravings 
For a successful lifestyle change and a healthy weight it is important to make our goals achievable so it’s just unrealistic to cut out a huge amount of food groups and treats. However, using a step wise approach we can reduce out portion size and avoid foods high in saturates and unnatural sugar. For this I definitely think a healthy alternative to treats is required day to day. While I was being fairly strict with myself I used fruit with all its sweetness, and it really did seem to rid me of my constant chocolate craving, for me the best fruits for this are apples and grapes but it really is a personal preference. This not only can really help your cravings but also give you many nutrients and help towards your 5 a day.

If you prefer savoury, how about some carrot sticks, pepper or perhaps a Rivita with low fat cream cheese? Mmm

Please remember not to let this consume the mind, the less you think about it, the less anxious you will be, the less likely you are to be constantly thinking about food and therefore will tend to be more successful. Educate yourself slowly you will see the amazing consequences! I found this site which just emphasizes these points!

If you have any questions or worries or need any help at all please comment or email! I will be doing part 3 very soon, as well as benefits of fish oils on the body, and another post on keeping your mind nice and healthy!
Take care

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Beads and Bracelets Handmade With Love

Get your bracelet supplies, and start the fun HERE

I have been making bracelets not for around a year. Not on a daily basis but on occasions, for myself or others. It really started when I wanted to make a gift for my boyfriend with sentimental value that could be worn daily and it turned out a perfect little gift (He now requests new ones every other week and has an arm full of them!)

 Until very recently all I would make was these simple macramé bands, but I have now branched out and attempted those more girly and with far more sparkle!

 Personally I would be thrilled to receive a little set of these bracelets as  present and they cost from as little as 35p so where could you go wrong?

I get my entire lot of chord and beads from a shop in Perth called “bead crazy” there are barely any bead shops in Scotland and I’m lucky enough to have this one nearby. It is just excellent with all that you will need to make necklaces, bracelets, earring, rings and in all shapes, sizes, colours and styles. The beads are fantastic value and staff are on hand to give advice and help whenever needed. (They also do delivery so check out their Facebook page here)

Below I will show you how to make three different bracelets which are very fun, quirky and are perfect accessories for any occasion.

For Him: macramé band

For making the macramé band I use 3 pieces of chord. This really is up to you what colours and thickness you go for. But in this case I use one larger piece for the middle section and 2 thinner pieces for the outside. In total this only costs around 65p to make!

Above I have tried to show how I make them although I’m well aware it is not clear. I used this video when first starting them; hopefully it will help you too. (Its really easy!)

So there we have it, a cheap and cheerful, quirky little gift that is well appreciated and takes around 2 minutes flat!

Bracelets for her: Chain Bracelets

This one is ridiculously easy to make and looks really cute by itself or paired with another bracelet. It cost 75p for a foot of the chain which is enough for 2 to 3 bracelets and the ribbon is 35p per meter (i think) so you could make 3 for about £1. How could anyone complain at that??
All you need is some chain, a ribbon and 1 minute of your time.
All I have done to make this one is weave the ribbon in and out of the chain. There is different ways to do this to create different looks. (sticking to one side, through the middle, or criss cross. Have a go and decide what you prefer!
 The chain makes provides a great bracelet base as you can weave in what you like. Perhaps some beads or other materials. Below I have added a toggle end and weaved in some left over chord from my macrame band.

Bracelet for her: Pretty beads on elastic

These bracelets are the easiest thing in the world and pretty self explanatory! All you need is some Elastic and a selection of beads of your choice. I love lots of sparkles and silver so chose to do ones like that but you can really do any thing! if you look here "bead crazy" owners have made some creations themselves which could serve as some inspiration for your own design. The beads i have used for my examples range from 3p to 50p and i have used around 25 beads for each of them. The total bracelet price ranges from £1.15 -£1.80 but it all depends what you fancy and how big you make them.
I hope you have found this helpful and maybe inspired you to do one yourself. If you need beads you know where to go! (follow my links) far more ideas on the site such as anchors and sweeties!

Next time you need a jewelry update you know what to do! Start now!

Take care

Lose weight the healthy way: part 1

Center your attention on health 
Not enough of us seeking to lose a few pounds do this; the main focus is primarily what the scales tell you in the morning and how much further those “one-size-too small” motivational jeans fit, agreed? This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to maintaining the results you are looking for. Not only this but if you concentrate on health you will feel more comfortable, energetic and prevent those nasty colds and bugs, and superficially skin, hair and nails will noticeably improve all going hand in hand with (hopefully) permanent weight loss.

 Water, water and more water- I cannot stress enough how good/essential water is when it comes to keeping healthy and losing weight! The reasons for this are endless:
 1)to replenish the water lost naturally during any kind of weight loss,
2) to counteract dehydration which slows the fat burning process,
3) for easier digestion, 
4)water makes you more alert, this is because dehydration can cause a reduction in blood volume and therefore less oxygen reaching the muscles causing fatigue,
5) water helps the joints which is a benefit when combined with exercise, 
6)benefits for the skin, hair and nails, 
7)water before eating can often curb hunger. I could go on! I usually aim for between 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, or more if working out, but my tip would be to always have a water bottle with you.
If you don't enjoy the taste of water, why not try it with fruit?

Stop starving yourself
This is a piece of advice I wish I’d listened to before now! Starving yourself is one of the worst things you could do and comes with horrible consequences to your body with not a lot of good to show at the end of it. Starving yourself is counterproductive and can lead to heart problems, anemia and therefore severe fatigue, stomach problems, damage to your metabolism and hair and bone loss.

I had numerous people telling me this before but didn't want to believe it until i started learning about Leptin. Leptin is a hormone that mediates long-term regulation of energy balance in the body. It suppresses food intake and thereby induces weight loss. It is linked closely to metabolism and so if Leptin levels fall, in theory, so will your metablism. When you diet and starve your body leptin which is sometimes refered to a the satiety hormone will also reduce and therfore so will your metabolism, and instead of losing weight, after the initial adjustment period you will gain weight. 

There are many foods that can help towards increasing leptin levels or make the body more sensitive to the leptin signals. Do Your research, eat the right number of calories, but the right calories. (fruit and veg are a good starting point)

  I hope these help follow for more!

start your Health journey today!